Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Thrifting Tuesdays

Woke up to this view this morning.

I thought I woke up to a Winter Wonderland until I got this...

I'd much rather wake up to that.

The other half is staying at a cabin with some of his buds to do some recording. 
The girlfriends get to come down to spend New Year's Eve. I'm pretty excited.

Anyway, while I'm alone for a few days, I decided to do spend some Christmas money.

Picked up this skunk decanter for $12. Couldn't pass up this baby.

Just another reason for us to get a bar set up.

I got him a little surprise to come home to.

You can never have enough Union Made coveralls, right?

Green Christmas

Snow was a dud, so we had a Green Christmas this year.

 We had such a classic tree this year.

Here are a few of the gifts we gave each other.
Picked up this sick clock for my man. He was stoked.

Got him these goggles too.

He definitely knows his woman.

I've wanted these mushroom nesting bowls for so long now.

He's the best!

It was awesome to see how much we know each other.
This was definitely the best Christmas I've had in a long time.
It's so much better when you get to spend it with the right person.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Kitchen Tattoos

I have a feeling we might be opening up shop in the apartment now.

The other half just bought a tattoo gun from eBay.

He made one months ago, but I guess it was time for him to step up his game.

 Mmm, nothing like thigh tattoos in the kitchen.

There will be plenty more to come, I am sure.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Tuesday Night Entertainment

Peach Kelli Pop made a visit on Tuesday night. It was a good time dancing on the tables, but it was tough getting to work at 7:30 this morning. Let's just say I had a late start today.

Tambo girl was killin it.

Before the show, I met up with some of the ladies.
My girl, Andrea, gave me a late birthday/early Christmas gift.

I've wanted shoe clips for years, now I finally have a pair!

Shit, I'm even rockin em on my boots in the office today.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Orange Ya Glad

An awesome but disappointing find last night.

It was only $40, but I couldn't seem to spend that much on it. It doesn't look too bad in the picture, which makes me think I should have bought it. But some ferocious cat tore up the right side and the back. It's disappointing because it is a great chair. If only I knew how to reupholster.

It would have fit in perfectly in my living room. Unintentionally, I kind of have an orange them going on.

 I got this chair for $25 back in June.

And I made curtains out of this fabric over the summer.

The orange wing chair would have fit in so well in my little abode.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Sunday Thrifting

There's nothing better than a little Sunday afternoon thrifting. The weather was nice, considering it's December in Indiana. We decided to stop at a new place, and I'm glad we did.

We passed up on this baby, which I'm starting to regret. That headdress was tough.
I didn't end up getting anything. Too close to Christmas, gotta save the money. The other half found some early Stones cassettes and a black Alladin lunch box.
I've never seen one in such good shape for $5.00.